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Family programming that includes Hollywood movies and series, both new and old.  Sports, music, weekend cartoons and news; 24-hours a day!

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Winnie's World TV

Toddlers, Tween, Teens and Family Entertainment, full of Adventure, Action Excitement and Learning New things; positive reinforcement and resolving realtime issues, along with the newest brands of FUN TV!     

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iRollerBlade TV

Anything and everything that has to do with "iROLL" TV; Rollerblade Tricks and Contests, Clips and Special Interviews and Documentaries, Roller Derbys, and so much more.  24-hours a day!

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iSports Zone TV

A variety of Epic Sports Entertainment, from the heart of Atlantic City with famous promoter's Big Event Fights, Wrestling "gone wild," "iRollerBlading," we have it all, from NITRO-RACE CARS to Baseball and Big Main Stage Fighting Events…free pay-per-view fights!  A super Sports Extravaganza TV! 

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Epic Big-Budget Star-studded Hollywood Movie Channel, including some rare and wonderful independent films. 24 HOURS A DAY!

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iHolyfield TV

This is your Staple Urban Family programming; movies and series, along with music entertinment and sports!

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iSciFi TV

iSciFi is ideal home for all that is unknow.n, and science ficrtion dramadies and thrillers, that connect with millions of viewers preferring intersts in Sciention Fiction, Fantasy, Adventures and Thrillers, and artifacts and super natural events. Includes Epic Movies, Series, Special Programming.  24-hours a day!

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American Association of Baseball TV

Games of Minor Leasgue Baseball, involving many major league players as well; 24 hour a days!

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